Week 1, Day 1

Who we are

Contact information is on the course home page (URL below).

Things you need to know about this course:

Grading Proportions

Office hours

Poll of candidate office hours.

Web sites

Course pageshttp://sfu-innovation.github.io/474-14-1/Description of activities, assignments, policies, …Ted
Course cloudhttp://http://innovate.cs.surrey.sfu.ca/Programming assignmentsIzaak
Gradeshttps://courses.cs.sfu.ca/2014sp-cmpt-474-d1/Standard CourSys site for CMPT gradesGreg Baker

What we’ll focus on

What we won’t focus on

An Introduction to Warehouse-Scale Computers

In-class exercise

This exercise was moved to Wednesday due to lack of time.

Break into pairs. Take half of the following phrases and explain it to your partner to the best of your understanding. Then switch roles, with your partner explaining the other half to you. If you have no idea what a term means, speculate.

Reading guide for next class

Read the following before coming to the next class:

1. A View of Cloud Computing, pp. 50–53 (up to but not including “Top 10 Obstacles”).

Things to look for in this article:

Things of less importance:

2. Condos and clouds pp. 50–53 (up to but not including “Patterns in SAAS Apps”)

Things to look for in this article:

As with the first article, we won’t pay much attention in this course to the distinction between public and private clouds.

3. Skim Amazon EC2 Service Level Agreement (SLA).

Things to look for:

Things to ignore: