Week 1, Day 2

In-class exercise

Break into pairs. Take half of the following phrases and explain it to your partner to the best of your understanding. Then switch roles, with your partner explaining the other half to you. If you have no idea what a term means, speculate.

List the two or three words or phrases you found hardest to understand from the readings (ignoring the legal terms in Amazon’s SLA).

The Xen virtual machine (used by AWS)


Uptime and availability

Availability can be most simply defined as uptime / (uptime + downtime). But note that customers and providers (such as Amazon) will define “downtime” differently. This is the source of the legalese in Amazon’s SLA (and every other cloud vendor’s SLA).

Availability and uptime
Availability %How much downtime is allowed per year?
90% ("one nine")More than a month
99% ("two nines")Less than 4 days
99.9% ("three nines")Less than 9 hours
99.99% ("four nines")Less than an hour
99.999% ("five nines")~ 5 minutes
99.9999% ("six nines")~ 31 seconds

Table from Distributed systems for fun and profit, Chap. 1. A good, more extensive, discussion is at the Wikipedia page for High Availability (HA).

Reading guide for next class

Read the following before coming to the next class:

The Datacenter as a Computer, 2d. Ed., Sections 1.0–1.3, 1.5–1.6.0 (stop before 1.6.1).

Read these sections to get an idea of the overall structure of a datacenter. Every time you do a search using Google, Bing, or Yahoo, every time you tweet or update your Facebook account, the code is running on the kind of warehouse-scale computer described here. This book was written by three engineers who have designed data centers for Google.

After this reading, we will focus on software for the rest of the course.

Things to look for:

The Datacenter as a Computer, 2d. Ed., Sections 2.0–2.1, skim 2.2.

Read these sections to gain an overview of the software that forms the cloud. We’ll spend most of the course thinking about this topic.

Things to look for:

Familiarize yourself with the list of concepts in Section 2.2 but don’t expect to memorize it. We’ll be covering many of these concepts in great detail during the course.