Week 2, Day 3

In-class activity

Session spent bringing everyone to point where they could sign on to an EC2 instance. This included:

Post-class optional session

For those who wished to stay after 3:20 PM, Izaak continued:

(Optional) Reading guide for next class

Optional but useful preparation for Monday’s class.

Review the Tutorial on using SQS from boto. Skim the Reference for the boto SQS module.

Key points to look for:


If you want to play with SQS, try connecting, creating a queue, writing a message, reading a message, and deleting it. Note that if you simply create a queue using SQSConnection, it will be created in the us-east-1 region, not the us-west-2 (Oregon) region we used on Friday. To create a queue in us-west-2, do boto.sqs.connect_to_region('us-west-2').create_queue('queuename').