Week 7, Wednesday (February 26, 2014)

What makes a cloud application “distributed”?

Our system model (Takada, Chap. 2)


The consensus problem

Nodes achieve consensus if they all agree on some value, such as:

CAP: Tradeoffs between Consistency, Availability, Partitioning

Brewer’s CAP “Theorem” (2000): Consistency, availability, partition tolerance—pick any two:

Venn diagram of Consistency, Availability, and Partition Tolerance

Source: Distributed systems for fun and profit, Ch. 2. Note: Paxos, Two-phase commit (2PC), and Gossip are algorithms

Not really a theorem

Guide to readings for next class

Read Distributed systems for fun and profit, from “A system model”, up to but not including “Strong consistency vs. other consistency models”.

You can skim:

The key points: