Due: Sunday, February 2nd, 23:59.
Submissions: CourSys
Boilerplate: GitHub
TNI (Ted n Izaak) has hired you to finish their half-completed project: My Little Image Sharer (you guessed it: an image sharing service). The previous developers were terrible and fired; so they brought you on board and you’ve been left with partially-completed server and worker services. Users of My Little Image Sharer start by uploading an image to the server service (the only publicly accessible component). Upon receiving said image, the server (i) saves the image in S3, and (ii) sends a notification to the worker service via SQS so the worker can do further processing. When the worker receives an image, it computes several scaled thumbnails and saves each of them in S3. The worker service is asynchronous: The server simply sends the image and does not wait for the worker to complete. This means the user has no guarantee on how quickly the scaled versions will be retrievable from S3 after the original image is available on S3. In the terms we will consider Friday January 24, the latency of the scaled images is unbounded.
The server is mostly complete, being able to receive images and store them into S3. The worker has only basic image scaling functionality implemented. None of the communication exchange between worker and server was written. To complete the service, you must:
Unfortunately, simply completing the code for My Little Image Sharer won’t be enough to save it from failing when hordes of emotionally-underdeveloped cloud system developers suddenly upload or view all the images of love, tolerance and distributed systems they’ve been waiting to share with the world. TNI needs to have a service that scales (meets its SLA even as the number of users grows quickly). There are (at least) two scaling issues present: the worker service could become under-provisioned (too many images, not enough resizing power) and the data delivery network could become under-provisioned (too many requests, not enough network bandwidth).
To ensure that there is enough resizing power available, you need to be able to spin up more workers as necessary. When to spin up new workers is left to your discretion, and you have many options to choose from in CloudWatch. This magic can be achieved by: * creating an AMI with the worker embedded into it, * and configuring CloudWatch to automatically spin up new instances of that AMI.
Even after you’ve gotten through the blood, sweat and tears, TNI being the horribly devlish company it is, wants a brief overview of what your app promises to deliver (and just as importantly what it doesn’t) so they can immediately sell it off and become millionaires. Some thought-provoking questions you might wish to considering answering or thinking about are as follows:
Important: TNI has intentionally omitted documentation in several areas both to give you experience navigating through the documentation and help sources (e.g. how do I make an AMI? how do I get a Python script to start at boot? how do I use CloudWatch?) and to encourage exploration, discussion and collaboration. Feel free to share your knowledge with others by posting your issues or resources on our friendly neighbourhood subreddit or swinging by IRC.
The “curl” command is useful for sending HTTP requests much like your browser does, but from the command line. Sane OS (i.e. Linux and Mac OS X) users have curl installed by default; Windows users however must download it. A description of all the options can be found on the man page.
You can use it to test your image uploading service by running the command:
curl -i -XPOST -F"image=@/path/to/img.jpg" http://ec2-url.com
On Windows, if you get an error complaining about missing DLLs (e.g. libssh2.dll), make sure you’ve installed the most barebones version of curl without support for extra fancy things like ssh. The download link above is a reference to such a barebones version.
If anything goes wrong you can enable more verbose output by adding “-v” to the list of flags to see what’s going on. Be sure to check the HTTP status code that looks something like “HTTP/1.1 200 OK”. Some common errors you might encounter:
A full list of HTTP status codes and their meanings can be found here.
Ubuntu uses a system called “upstart” to manage most of its system processes. Starting a continuously running Python process using uptstart is described here.
Remember that if you start your server inside an ssh session and you then close the ssh session that server is terminated unless either the system is managing the process through something like upstart or you’re using a smarter terminal management system such as tmux (an overview for which can be found here).
By default your EC2 instance only allows incoming traffic on port 22. To make your server.py (which runs on port 80), accessable to the rest of the world you need to add a rule allowing incoming traffic on port 80. Instructions for doing so can be found here.
By default your S3 bucket can only be accessed by you. In order to make it world-readable you need to apply a policy to all objects in your bucket. Instructions for doing so can be found here.
In order to prepare a vanilla Ubuntu install for this application you need to install a couple of things. Simply run the following commands to make sure you’ve got everything:
sudo apt-get install git python-dev python-pip libjpeg-dev libpng-dev
sudo pip install --upgrade boto pillow bottle
sudo python server.py