Week 3, Day 2 (Wednesday, Jan 22)

In-class activity

Access key

  1. Check: Everyone has an AWS access key ID and secret access key
  2. Everyone knows the path to the file containing their access key
  3. Test: Access function works
    $ cd 8553680
    $ python
    >>> import testcreds
    >>> testcreds.test('YOUR-CREDENTIALS-PATH') 

replacing YOUR-CREDENTIALS-PATH with the absolute path to your credentials file. The path will begin with /home/ubuntu/.

To download the latest version of the test software

The test software has been revised. To download it to your EC2 instance, sign on to your EC2 instance and

$ cd 8553680
$ git pull

You will see some messages from git.

Now run the test using the instructions above.

Analyzing your test results

If the test succeeds, you will see Test SUCCEEDED. Congratulations! You won’t have to do these steps again for this EC2 instance. These changes will be retained even if you stop and then restart the instance.

If you get a Python file IO error, it is most likely that the path to the credentials file is incorrect.

If you get a 403 Permissions error, and your access key is for an IAM id, it is likely that your IAM id does not have a full range of permissions. In the IAM console, select your ID and go to the Permissions tab. View the policies for your id. They should include one like the following:

  "Version": "2012-10-17",
  "Statement": [
      "Effect": "Allow",
      "Action": "*",
      "Resource": "*"

Another way to use your access keys

Redditor sickan90 suggests an alternative approach: Placing your access keys into the boto configuration file. See their post on Reddit.

Thanks, sickan90!

Groups for Assignment 2

  1. Groups of 1 or 2.
  2. Form a group using CourSys group facilities. (Form own group, invite another to join yours, accept/decline invitations.)
  3. Groups formed by midnight Thursday (tomorrow).

Structure of the assignment

See My Little Image Sharer.

Reading guide for next class

Read the following before coming to the next class:

The Tail at Scale, from beginning up to but not including “Cross-request long-term adaptations”.

The key points:

Less important: